Proverbs 31:10-31
By: Pastor Mike Sanders
There is no adequate pen or adequate words to express how much we owe our mothers for their hard work, good words, and loving deeds. Without taking away the joys, rewards, and those extra special moments of motherhood, the daily tasks of motherhood can be grinding! Washing mounds of laundry; ironing; folding; cleaning; shopping; cooking; carpooling, being a referee, a coach, an encourager, a counselor, a cop, remaining tactful, lovable, compassionate, cheerful, responsible, balanced and sane, all have a way of making today’s mothers feeling strung out and spent.
No wonder eight-year-old Carol wrote her mother and said, “Dear Mother, here are two aspirins, have a Happy Mother’s Day.” The unselfishness of a mother shows a heart of love for her family. And all of us can remember many unselfish acts of devotion our moms made to our families.
With all these responsibilities as a mother each mother must remember her Priority is her relationship with the Lord. (Proverbs 31:30 KJV) Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. It’s easy to get busy and forget to nurture your own soul.
A godly mother is more about being than doing. Yes there is much to do but don’t forget to feed your faith and spirit through a daily time with Christ in the word and prayer. What a blessing is a mother who prays, and reads her Bible at every opportunity!
Neglecting our time with Christ will cause a mothers soul to grow lean. If you’re going to be a godly Mother, be sure you have a sound flourishing faith.