Our Blog
Building a Fire-Proof Life
By: Pastor Mike Sanders Imagine a life built not on shifting sand, but on solid rock. A life that can withstand the fierytrials and tribulations that inevitably come our way. In the bustling, often uncertain world we livein, this image of a fire-proof life can feel like a distant dream.
Advancing Through Adversity
Adversity is a part of life. It can come in many forms, such as job loss, illness, orrelationship problems. When we face adversity, it can be easy to feel discouraged andgive up. However, it is essential to remember that adversity can also be an opportunityfor growth. Here are a few
Conquering our Problems: 2nd Corinthians 1:1-11
Today’s world is full of problems. The Bible says, “Yet man is born unto trouble…” (Job 5:7 KJV). Everybody has problems. We cannot get very far on the road of life without encountering issues. People often ask why God allows suffering. The fact that you are going through a difficult
Building Blocks to a Strong Marriage, Genesis 2:23-25
Some marriages start on the wrong foot. In Stuart, Fl., a bride allegedly hit the groom with the wedding cake and kicked him when he was on the floor during an argument after their St. Patrick’s Day wedding. After being charged with battery, Kathryn Marie Patrick was released on a
Parenting with Peace of Mind
By Pastor Mike Sanders Parenting is the most challenging job in America. Few experiences are more wonderful and difficult than raising children. In our custody are given the impressionable and unpredictable little persons who grow up so quickly! YES… there are times, those difficult times when we are considering to
Dealing with Life’s Gray Areas
One thing that you will quickly find among Christians is that not everyone agrees on everything. I have actually heard about church splits because of
True Success
ven former Dallas Cowboy quarterback Troy Aikman is looking for purpose and real success. On the night of that first Super Bowl victory, he delayed attending a party with his teammates,
Our Calling Compels Us
Jeremiah 20:9 KJV Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning re shut up in my bones, and I was weary…
Luke 19:10 KJV For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Howard Hendricks tells a story about a company in Chicago that went bankrupt only a year
I pray for revival in America!
America is blessed. I pray for revival in America! I pray that God will renew the church and he’ll awaken His people. Who knows what God might do in us and through …
Victory over Death
The story is told of a dad who took his son on a fishing trip. A window was rolled down slightly, and a bee buzzed his way into the car. The little boy was frightened and grew more…
Breaking the Barrier to Faith
Are you facing a situation that demands an immediate decision, but you are unsure about what direction to take? Perhaps there has been a sudden change …