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Utilize What You Have!

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Pastor Mike Sanders

(Luke 12:48 ESV) Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

It’s not what we have that counts. It’s how we use what we have that is the issue. We are in a position of trust. Therefore we must use our resources to advance the cause of Christ. We are to make the most of the ability, the talents, the opportunities, the resources that God has given to us.

The world of science immediately recognizes the name of Stephen Hocking. This intellectual genius holds a prestigious office at Oxford University. One of his most notable accomplishments is the development of “THE BLACK HOLE” theory.

Years ago, Stephen Hocking was stricken with the feared Lou Gehrig’s Disease which causes a deteriorating of bodily function. It is a debilitating neuromuscular disease which is harsh and cruel in its effect upon the body. Hocking’s condition is so severe that he is practically motionless. Only his eyes glance about. Yet Hocking is not to be dejected. He continues to work – by using one finger on a computer – his last remaining motor function. Hocking utilizes what he has. How about you?


Want to Learn More about the Bible?

If you want to learn more about the Bible, we have an exclusive with OBI that waives the $50 registration fee. 

The online classes provides flexibility with the facilitator here to help you along the way.  These are eight week classes with a price of $225 per course. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Bible, these classes are for you.  You can complete the entire 1-Year Bible Certificate for a total of $1999.