Our Podcast

Peace for your despair

Pastor Mike speaking on peace for your despair. He will be in John 6:1-21.

God called me to be a pastor. It’s very unique. It’s not for you, it’s not for everybody, but God called me to be the pastor of the Open Door Church. And so this is a unique will for God for my life.

You have a unique will. Don’t think that your job is any less of a calling or a purpose than my responsibility and role here at the Open Door Church. Because God has uniquely and strategically planted you where you’re at.

Hello, this is Pastor Mike Sanders, and we welcome you to Hope Worth Having. And we’re excited about what God has for us today as we study the scriptures. Today, we’re gonna be in John chapter six, verse 15 through 21.

We’re gonna talk about peace for your despair. So many people are walking through despair. But friends, Jesus is a God. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is the one who will never leave you nor forsake you.

And so as we learn about his peace that comes to us in our moments of despair, let’s remember that God has a purpose and a plan. So let’s join together as we study this great passage of scripture in John chapter six.

So I wanna give you six truths this morning that’ll help you anchor your heart and bring peace to your mind. So you better write these down quick so I can hurry up and get through this message so we’re not here all day.

How many people would say amen to that? A few of you, all right. Number one, I can have peace for my despair and trouble because Jesus, my life is governed by his providence. Jesus governs my life. My life is governed by his providence.

Again, we come and we read verse 15. We look at verse 16. The Bible says when the even was now come, meaning it’s even. His disciples went down unto the sea. We learn from other gospels that Jesus ordered them.

Jesus commanded them. It’s the idea that he insisted that they go. Sometimes Jesus tells you to go in a direction you don’t wanna go. Sometimes Jesus puts before you a journey that you don’t wanna take.

But he insists that you go through that journey. And the Bible says in verse 17, they entered into a ship and they went over to the sea toward Capernaum and it was now dark and Jesus was not come to them.

Meaning they’re looking for help. They’re looking for answers. But Jesus had not entered in. What I want you to remember is this, is that every circumstance in my life is governed by the providence of God.

Every situation in my life is governed by the providence of God. Every person that enters into my life is governed by the providence of life, of God. Every path that I take in this life is governed by the providence of God.

There’s no doubt the disciples were asking why the storm, why Jesus are you allowing this storm in our life? Jesus we just fed the thousands. We fed over 5 ,000 people. What a great miracle. Where are you?

Jesus had not come yet. It is the question that is asked most often. It is the question that lingers most in our heart and it is the question why. For when we do not understand our trials and troubles, we cry out and say why God?

And we say where are you Jesus? Listen this storm may have surprised the disciples but it did not surprise Jesus. Jesus was much aware and that’s why he ordered his disciples to go down. He ordered his disciples to get into the boat.

He ordered his disciples to meet him on the other side of the shore and I’m telling you that Jesus knew what was taking place. He understood what they were going to encounter and what we’re witnessing here is the providence of God at work and even though our trials and even though our adversity seems to be so overwhelming in our life, you and I can anchor our hearts to the wonderful truth that even though I walk through the valley,

God is in control. The Bible tells us in Matthew 14 verse 22 that straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away.

Did you catch that? Jesus already was planning on meeting them on the other side. God knew that they were going to get through this storm. God knew that they were going to be see him on the other side.

God already had a purpose. God already had a plan and God wanted his disciples to go through that trial and that’s what God is doing in your life. The whole trip was God’s idea and you’re wondering why and you’re wondering how.

and you’re wondering where is Jesus but I want you to know that no matter what you are encountering God is in charge he is in control of your life and the psalmist reminds us that he commands and he raises the stormy wind which lift up the waves thereof and when you face a storm in your heart there is the peace knowing that even though I am struggling and even though I am an encountering this this storm in my life I know that God is in control of it your storm is not beyond the control of Jesus you may feel like your life is out of control you may feel like everything is falling apart in your life but I’m here to assure you that God is in control of your adversity Paul the Apostle reminds us that if we are afflicted Paul says it is for your comfort and your salvation If we are comforted,

it is for your comfort which you experience when you patiently endure the same sufferings that we suffer. You know what’s so amazing about the times that we live in is that everybody wants an answer.

Everybody wants a solution. Everybody wants a quick fix in their life. And one thing I’ve learned over the years in serving as a pastor of a church is that I’ve learned that sometimes there are no good answers.

And that the best advice you can give somebody, and I know that you might think Mike is probably the worst counselor ever, and I would probably agree with you. But here’s the thing is this, many times God calls us simply to do this.

Endure. Endure in your suffering. Stay faithful and persevere in your suffering. God has a purpose. God has a plan. And he is up to something special. And if nothing else, he is using your response to adversity in your life to bring about the salvation of others or the comfort of others.

For as people watch your response to your adversity and they see you walking in peace and they see you with hope in your heart, they know there’s something distinct and different about you. And therefore, they inquire why you have such hope and peace.

And God opens new doors for us that we might witness to them and they might find Christ and the other believers and Christians who are following Jesus, they see that if that person can be faithful, I can be faithful.

If that person can be comforted, I can be comforted. This is God being in control of our storms and our adversity. The second thing that I want you to learn this morning is that God is bringing us peace by growing us by his plan.

He is growing us by his plan, meaning that we can have peace in our hearts because we know that that God is trying to grow me and make me a better Christian. The Bible tells us that these disciples entered into a ship and they went over to the sea towards Capernaum.

It was dark and Jesus was not there. He did, he had not come to them yet. Verse 18, the sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew. The Bible says that they were rowing. They were rowing in this boat for three or four miles.

They had been rowing and they’re trying to get through this storm. And you know what we have to learn sometimes in life is that we cannot depend upon our own strength, but we have to depend upon Jesus to get us through the storm, amen?

Sometimes we’re trying every technique. We’re trying every other’s plan out there, but we’re not coming to God and we’re not saying, God, I need your help, I need your strength, I need your wisdom to figure out how to get, because God wants to grow you.

God wants to grow your faith. God wants to grow your trust. God wants to grow your character. God wants to grow every aspect of your life. And I want you to get this. That God has a plan for your life and that he is developing you.

He is shaping you in your life. Now God will bring about two kinds of storms in your life. Write these two kinds of storms down. Number one, a storm of correction and a storm of perfection. Sometimes God allows a correction, a storm of correction in your life.

Here’s what I mean is that sometimes you and I find ourselves making some bad choices, bad decisions. We find ourselves in a series of bad choices and we’re going down the wrong path. It is a path that dishonors God.

It’s a path that is disobedient to God. It is a path that is not full of blessings. It’s not a path of protection and God’s grace, but it’s a path of living for ourselves, of living for the world. It’s a path of totally abandoning what God has for us.

And God brings a storm in your life. And it’s a storm of correction. And you’re asking why? Because God is saying to you, I love you too much to let you stray too far. I love you too much to go down this wrong path and this path that is going to destroy your life.

I love you too much to make so many bad decisions and just to leave you there. And so He brings this storm in our life to bring us back to Him, to bring us in alignment with us, with Him, to bring us to be in sync with His truth in our life and His plan for our life and His purpose for our life.

God is using storms of correction to get your attention. But He’s also using storms of perfection. It’s not that you’ve made a bad choice. It’s not that you are… a series of bad decisions that somehow have misled you.

But you are being faithful. You are loving Jesus. You are being obedient. You are following the path that he has for you. But God is using the storm of perfection to shape your life into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Because God is all about developing us. He is all about growing us. You see, you’re not just here to just float and kind of survive in life. But rather God wants you to thrive for him and every day he wants you to reflect more and more the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And so these disciples, they had a great victory. they were kind of kicking it in neutral and saying let’s just ride the wave and let’s just enjoy life and let’s just keep on enjoying this but God says no there’s more to do there’s more ministry to accomplish and for me to have you to be successful in these ministries I have to prepare you I have to shape you I have to develop you I have to work in your life and therefore God allows storms of perfection the third principle that I want you to learn this morning is that we are graced by his prayers you can have the peace of God because your life is governed by his providence because he is growing you by his plan and thirdly you are graced by the prayers of Jesus Christ I want you to back up to verse 15 at the end there it says he departed again into a mountain unto himself Matthew again tells us more details and he says this that when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on the mountain by himself to pray now when evening came he was alone there again Jesus got away to pray I’m so amazed by this one verse it’s just been on my mind all week because I’m just stunned how Jesus shunned earthly fame and power the crowd was chanting that he would be the king they were ready to elevate Jesus to King but he refused the crown and he chose the cross he refused to be prematurely elevated Jesus had no political ambitions his only desire was to complete the mission that the father has sent him on he did not come to be popular but rather he came to bring God’s forgiveness to mankind Jesus was on point he was on focus he did not get distracted by all the flattery he did not get distracted by all the praises but he stayed focused on what God had called him to do.

He stepped away from the public platform and he went to the private closet and he began to pray for his disciples. What I want you to get this morning is first of all I want you to note that even as you walk through the storms of life that you have a Savior who is praying for you.

That Jesus Christ understood that we would need his prayers and it seems so odd and maybe it seems so difficult for you to grasp that but the Bible reminds us in the book of Hebrews that he always lives to make intercession for them meaning you that Jesus Christ is seeking the Father on your behalf.

What an amazing thought that you and I are on the prayer list of Jesus. It’s wonderful to be on somebody’s prayer list. When my Sunday school class gets together, we take prayer requests and we email them to each other and we pray for each other throughout the week and we’re committed to pray for one another because we’re commanded in the Bible to do that and it’s a wonderful honor and privilege that someone would take time out of their day to pray for you.

When people say to me, pastor, you are being prayed for every day. I pray for you every morning. I pray for you every evening. I have to be honest with you, it touches my heart that people would take time out of their schedule and pray for the pastor is just a wonderful thing and it means so much to me.

And if anything has been accomplished in this ministry, it has been because God’s people throughout the years have been a praying people who have prayed for this church, who have prayed for their pastors, who have prayed for their leaders, who have been on their knees seeking the will of God and the power of God that God may be exalted on this hill and that the name of Christ would be lifted up and men and women and boys and girls would come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

And if it is an honor to be on someone else’s prayer list, how much more is it to be on Jesus? Jesus is praying for you. The Bible tells us in Mark chapter six that Jesus saw them straining as they were rowing, as the wind was great against them.

Jesus saw the struggle. Jesus knows what you’re going through. He sees you facing the struggle and he sees the winds beating against you. He sees the tireless effort that you’re trying to make as you’re trying to work through this adversity and this storm in your life.

And what is his response? He prays on your behalf. Romans 8 34, who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died. And furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intersting.

intercession for us. For His ministry is not only a ministry of reconciliation through the death and resurrection of Christ, but it is a ministry of intercession for those who believe in Jesus Christ.

We have the great example of the prayer of Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter 17, when Jesus said, I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours.

Friends, if you have faith in Christ, then you are ones that Jesus is praying for. He is calling out your name to the Father. He knows every tear you shed. He knows the heartache that’s in your heart.

He knows the stress that is on your mind. He knows the struggle that you feel every day, and He understands and He prays for you. Can God’s people say amen? What I want you to know that you can make it, and you can have God’s peace in your heart, and you can endure through this storm because Jesus…

is praying for you. The fourth thing I want you to know is that we can have peace and despair because we can be gladdened by His presence. So verse 19 tells us that when they had rode about, the King James says furloughing, but it just simply means three to four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea.

They drawing nigh unto the ship and they were afraid, but He said unto them, it is I, be not afraid. If you like to underscore your Bible right there, underscore verse 20, it is I, be not afraid. Jesus will be with you in the storm.

You’ve heard me say it over and over. The scriptures remind us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. The psalmist said in Psalm 23 verse 4, yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me.

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Why is it that the psalmist could walk through some of the darkest days of his life? Because of the fact that God was with him. You do not walk the journey alone.

You do not face the struggle alone. You are not experiencing the trial alone. Jesus is with you and I want you to never forget this church, a God who gets you into the kind of trouble that you need to make you more like Jesus and a God who understands all about that trouble is also going to come to you in that trouble and help you get through that trouble.

That’s right. God is not going to orchestrate or allow the circumstances to take place in your life that bring about the storm and then say I’m done with you. He is not going to forget you, God has not forgotten you and you may be like the disciples wondering when is Jesus coming and friends I want you to know that Jesus is already there and you may not have yet seen the manifestation of his full presence in your life but it does not mean that Jesus is not there because he is everywhere at the same time and he will never leave you nor forsake you you can be gladdened by his presence you can rejoice by the presence of Christ and that he will strengthen you as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Number five we are guarded by his power we are guarded by the power of God. Verse 21 as John tells this story he’s very amazingly succinct he gets right to the point very much like the gospel of Mark Matthew gives great detail, Luke gives great detail, and we learn so much, but John simply says this in verse 21, then they willingly received him into the ship, and immediately the ship was at the land wherewith they went,

meaning that as soon as they received Christ into the ship, the storm settled, and they were immediately on the other side. Friends, how wonderful it is to know that you are guarded by the power of God, that through his presence, his strength is with you, his power is with you.

There is no way that you and I can do all that is upon us, all of our roles and our responsibilities, and the demands that are upon us apart from the strength that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. You are guarded by his power.

There is no problem, there is no person, there is no storm that can harm you without God willingly and allowing it. God is with you, he is in your ship, and he is going to continue to help you to get to the other side.

And my friends, if that other side is not here on the earth, it is on the other side in heaven, and when you hit the shores of heaven, I’m telling you, you will never regret that the strength of Christ has helped you and strengthened you that you might be able to be faithful to God all the way before the presence of God as you stand on the shores of heaven.

The Scriptures tell us in John 16, verse 33, that these things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace, in the world you’ll have tribulation, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Some of you are saying, I can’t, I can’t handle this, it’s too much for me, Mike.

I’m here to say to you, I can do all things through Christ, which what? Strengthens me. Friends, it’s not an arrogant statement. I can do all things. The Apostle names that he can do all things through the power.

and the strength of Jesus Christ, and yes, you can do all things. Please don’t misunderstand that verse. It doesn’t mean you can jump out of an airplane without a parachute and land safely on the ground.

But what it does mean is that no matter what God puts before you, no matter what challenge you face, you can do it. You can do what God’s called you to do. You can be faithful to him. You can be obedient to him.

You can make the right decisions. You can overcome that temptation in your life. Why? Because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. The Psalmist said, the Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed.

He will be a refuge in times of trouble. The Apostle Paul said to the young pastor, Timothy, I thank him who has given me strength. Christ Jesus, our Lord. Your strength, your refuge. Jesus Christ and He is guarding you and you are kept by the power of God in the name of Jesus Christ.

My final point that I want to bring to your attention is that you are guided by His purpose. You are guided by His purpose. Again in verse 21 they received Him and immediately the ship was at land. You see friends when I open my heart to Jesus and I receive Him into my life as Savior, as I receive Him into my life, as I surrender to Him as a believer, as I fully trust Him, He’s going to make sure that His purpose in my life is fulfilled.

Jesus wasn’t done with the disciples. There was much to be accomplished. There was much for them to learn. There was much for them to do. They were gonna make it at land. They were gonna make it through the other side.

So many times when we’re in the storm we think this is it. We’re gonna never get through this. We’re never gonna be able to move forward but I’m here to tell you that you are guided by the purpose of God and no matter where you’re at, no matter what you’re going through, God has a purpose.

He has a plan and I’m telling you that you are able to move forward in the midst of this because you know that this is something that God has a purpose for. That God is doing something in your life. He is up to something in your life and we have to live with that sense in our life that we know that every day there is a purpose that God has and that He is using and working in me and He is working through me and He is working around me.

How blessed it is to know the purpose of God in your life. When we talk about the purpose of God I always tell people there is a universal purpose and there is a unique purpose. Don’t ever forget this, there’s a universal purpose.

What is God’s universal purpose? First and foremost, that you would know him. His purpose for your life is that you would have a relationship with him. Jesus is not inviting you to religion, he is inviting you to a relationship with him.

Your purpose is that you would grow in him. After you know Christ as your personal savior, he wants you to grow. He wants you to become more like him every day. Your purpose in life is that you would serve him.

That you would serve him. God wants you to use your talents and your abilities. He wants you to use your skills, your experience, your knowledge, the things that have happened to you. He wants you to minister.

He wants you to get engaged and involved. Listen, the greatest point of victory after you have endured an adversity or a crisis in your life. Listen, the greatest point of healing. from adversity, is to minister from your pain.

It is to minister from your hurt. And some of you have walked some journeys that have been lonely and difficult and hard, and you know what it’s like to be betrayed, you know what it’s like to be left, you know what it’s like to have to go through this or that, and friends, God is calling you to take that experience, that comfort you received from Him, and go out there and help other people.

That’s His purpose for your life. The final universal purpose is that you would share Him. God didn’t call us to just sit and soak. You just come sit and soak, you’ll become a sour Christian. But when you get involved and you start sharing Jesus everywhere you go, you are gonna be a sweet Christian.

Which would you rather be? Sour or sweet? God’s unique purpose? Well that’s between you and Jesus. God called me to be a pastor. It’s very unique, it’s not for you, it’s not for everybody, but God called me to be the pastor of the Open Door Church.

And so this is a unique will for God for my life. You have a unique will. Don’t think that your job is any less of a calling or a purpose than my responsibility and role here at the Open Door Church.

Because God has uniquely and strategically planted you where you’re at. The Apostle John was weaving miracles all throughout his gospel to let us know that Jesus Christ is the one who is truly sent of God.

And as we see these miracles, they’re like signposts that are glaring in our journey through the gospel of John telling us that we have a God who will literally intervene in nature and life and He will perform great miracles to accomplish His great purpose in our hearts.

And today you may be in despair and feel like there is no future. Well friends that future is in Jesus Christ, and you do have a future and it is found in Jesus alone And so we pray that today that God would bless you with his peace that you would see him as the Savior and the Lord of the storm and as you are going through a storm in your heart that you would fully surrender to him and Not be shaken by the problems or the people that have brought despair in your life But rather you would look to him as the lifter up of your head and the one who provides for your spirit And I pray that you will follow him all the days of Your life and the truths that we’ve shared with you today will continue to encourage your heart We encourage you to go to hope worth having calm because every Sunday we’re streaming live or you can go to our Facebook page We’re streaming live on that as well on Sundays and we want you to take advantage of God’s Word be important to your life because God’s Word shapes us,

strengthens us, comforts us, convicts us, and guides us. All these are important in our life so we cannot neglect the teaching and the preaching of God’s Word. So check us out on HopeWorthHaving .com and learn more about the streaming opportunities at The Open Door Church so you can continue to grow in your faith.

This is Pastor Mike Sanders reminding you that in Christ there is hope worth having.

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