Luke 13:1-5
It seems like every day we encounter tragedies from all parts of the world. Everywhere we turn we hear about life’s tragedies.
Because of technology we are not isolated from calamities.
When tragedies strike, who is responsible? Some people blame governments, some people blame guns, some people blame God, some people blame the victims for their sin. So who is to blame? Jesus addressed these questions that will help us sort out this issue.
- Pray
- For the Victim’s
- For the Families affected
- For the Law enforcement
- For the Emergency personnel
- For Revival/Spiritual awakening
- For America
- Prepare
The three crucial issues of life are these: the issue of suffering; the issue of death; and the issue of eternity. Tragedy can strike any of us at any moment. Prepare your heart spiritually. Please today make sure you are ready to meet Jesus Christ. Who knows what a day may bring forth. Turn from your sin and receive Christ as Savior! We all deserve judgment for our sin, but Christ took that judgement on the cross for you. God will receive you with open arms if you repent and receive His forgiveness
The question is not why do innocent people suffer but why didn’t I suffer. Hell is life’s greatest tragedy.
- Reach out
Matthew 10:7 KJV And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
People today are searching for hope amid personal despair, and tragedy. The world knows only of a dying hope. The Bible says, “Such are the paths of all who forget God; the hope of the godless shall perish” Job 8:13 ESV.
Start conversations with others about suffering and tragedy and lead people to the hope we have in Christ. Emphasize that tragedy reminds us to have our spiritual house in order.
“The gospel is not that Jesus Christ comes to earth, tells us how to live, we live a good life, and then God owes us blessing. The gospel is that Jesus Christ came to earth, lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died.” – Tim Keller
- Remember what’s important
God can use dark and stressful times for your good. He’ll use them to teach you to trust him: “We stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God.” (2 Corinthians :8-9)
How grateful we should be for those strong and special people who have made positive impressions upon us. What really matters most is our faith in Christ and our family.